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YITH WooCommerce Customize My Account Page v3.1.0
YITH WooCommerce Customize My Account Page v3.0.5
It is well known: a usable site is a site that allows users to navigate and interact easily and quickly. Nevertheless, our users find the navigation of our site uncomfortable and frustrating, managing all those infinite menus to find important information like their wishlists, important guides, or even invoices and downloadable files.
The most obvious thing to do should be sorting the most important information in a page for the users, in order to offer an improved experience. It’s just a shame that this is not possible with any shop.
The best place is indeed the My Account page of WooCommerce. Get the full control on what your users can see or download, and encourage them to complete the next purchase with tailored information.
YITH WooCommerce Customize My Account Page lets you control perfectly the WooCommerce My Account page. You will be free to add and manage the most suitable information, sorting them with tabs or menus. Adding and removing sections will be a child’s play.
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