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WP Multi Store Locator Pro v4.2
WP Multi Store Locator Pro v4.0
WP Multi Store Locator Pro
WP Multi Store Locator pro is a WordPress plugin that provides numerous functionalities if you are running some online Store and want some smart search functionality with respect to location and categories. It also gives ability to admin in backend to manage their stores and sales manager for respective franchise.
It’s a complete package with lots of features like search store, nearby store functionality, Multiple Templates Support, on map detail direction from point A to Point B, set your custom Markers & Clusters, embed map functionality (you can easily paste embed code anywhere on your site), Snazzy map style support, Import/Export Using excel sheet, Stores Statistics and much more.
Use these tools to get the directions between any point using store locator. Enter a city or an address in both the From and the To address inputs. Click Find Directions, and the tool will display the route you need to take to get from your starting location to your end location. The turn by turn directions will be displayed below the map and will contain the distance and approximate time it will take to get from one location to the other.
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Our File on filetheme.com is CLEAN and SAFE. So you can use it for development or production. But sometime the antivirus will warn the JS code. It’s no problem. So before downloading, you need to disable the antivirus tools and then enjoy your “Party” We Allows Provide Original theme from Developer with GPL License.
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