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WooCommerce Custom Fields v2.3.4
WooCommerce Custom Fields v2.3.4
Sell customizable products and optional add-ons. Give customers more input and improve checkout experience. Streamline order processing and become more productive. Lift the limits on what you can do with WooCommerce, now.
WooCommerce Custom Fields allows you to create custom product, checkout, order and user fields, provide and gather additional information in a structured way, and sell configurable products, product add-ons and extra product options. Build, manage and optimize your online store for a premium user experience, and make every field work for you.
- Supports text, text area, password, email, number, datepicker, select, multiselect, checkboxes, radio buttons and file upload
- Sell configurable and customizable products
- Sell WooCommerce product add-ons and extra product options
- Use product properties to display additional information about products
- Gather additional order information on checkout
- Gather additional user information by using user fields
- Manage orders more efficiently with custom order fields
- Upload and link files to products and orders
- Accept files from customers on product page or checkout
- Set allowed file types and file sizes
- Attach files to WooCommerce emails for convenient order processing
- Charge customers more (or less) based on pricing rules
- Charge per character for engraving service
- Price can be adjusted by a fixed amount or a percentage
- Custom user input can also be used to determine price
- Limit maximum number of characters that can be entered
- Display extra product option pricing for customers’ reference
- Price is updated live as customer configures product options
- Shop managers can edit user input to fix any mistakes
- Field can be set to multiply based on product quantity selected
- Set default values for almost all field types
- Save time by applying fields to hundreds of products at once
- Easily duplicate fields for even faster setup
- Configure conditions that must be matched for the field to be displayed
- Make fields required, and mark fields as “private” or “public”
- Add custom CSS to style each field individually
- Hooks and functions to interact with plugin programmatically
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