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Ariva | Creative Responsive Parallax Joomla Template v1.6 www.themeforest.com
Ariva | Creative Responsive Parallax Joomla Template v1.6 www.themeforest.com
Ariva is a Joomla Premium Template based on Bootstrap grid system. Its clean, modern and professional design makes it perfectly suitable for creative people portfolio. Ariva is responsive, touch enabled and retina ready. It also has a large variety of features and extensions. It is a fully customizable template with over 100 template manager options. Its well-written, indexed and valid code makes Ariva easily expandable.
- Joomla 3.x. It comes with quickstart package
- Three different styles to showcase a portfolio item.
- Quickstart comes with 2 main versions, freelancer and agency.
- Unite Revolution Slider 2 – The best slider ever is included for free.
- Fully styled K2 Component.
- Built-in google maps.
- Retina Ready.
- 100% responsive design based on bootstrap grid.
- Switch from freelancer to agency with one click. (quickstart only).
- Ability to select from over 600+ Google Fonts , easily via template manager. (text title, headings, body and navigation).
- Each section has 4 different background types (image,parallax,pattern, color).
- Slider area has 8 backgrounds styles (image,parallax,pattern, color, youtube. html5, vimeo and horizontal animation).
- Ability to select unlimited theme colors via color picker. One click.
- Ability to set your own colors in portfolio overlay.
- Over 700+ icons (Linea Basic and FontAwesome ).
- Unlimited layout styling via template manager. Module numbers for each section, optional classes, paddings and more.
- Unique navigation system! Social and standard navigation.
- 40+ shortcodes for easier editing.
- Filterable, masonry portfolio with ajax load.
- Unique touch enabled carousels.
- Working ajax contact form.
- Fast loading speed.
- Indexed and very clean coded.
- 100% Valid code. Feel free to check it http://validator.w3.org/.
- Ability to set your own preloader in template manager.
- Quick Start Package (zip)
- Template Files (zip)
- Extensions
- Unite Revolution Slider 2 – v. 5.x (zip)
- K2 v. 2.9
- Roksprocket v. 2.1.x (zip)
- RokCandy v. 2.0.2 (zip)
- SP Quick Contact 3 (zip)
- Documentation (html)
- Licenses (txt)
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Our File on filetheme.com is CLEAN and SAFE. So you can use it for development or production. But sometime the antivirus will warn the JS code. It’s no problem. So before downloading, you need to disable the antivirus tools and then enjoy your “Party” We Allows Provide Original theme from Developer with GPL License.
Purchase Link and Demo: Click here for Demo and purchase link
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3,000+ Premium theme, 5000+ pro Plugin, all woocommerce extension and many other file. with GPL license. About 10,000 Product
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