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ACF Frontend Form Element Pro v2.10.9 Nulled
ACF Frontend Form Element Pro v2.3.9
Now with ACF Frontend for Elementor you can provide high end, clear & manageable websites.PRO FEATURESPRO
Edit Global Options
If you have global data – like header and footer data – you can create an options page using ACF and let your users edit from the frontend.
Send Emails
Set emails to be sent and map the form data to display in the email fields such as the email address, the from address, subject, and message.PRO
Style Tab NEW!
Use Elementor to style the form and modal window as well the buttonsPRO
Multi Step Forms NEW!
Make your forms more engaging by adding multiple steps.PRO
Stripe Payments (Coming Soon)
Accept payments through Stripe upon form submission.
Limit Submits
Prevent all or specific users from submitting the form more than a number of times.PRO
User Role Field
Allow users to choose a role when editing their profile or registering.PRO
Add/Edit Product Actions (Coming Soon)
We’re adding built in fields for Woocomerce products. Let your users add their products from the frontend!
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